2 definitions by Chaeng <3

(noun) a time when you're playing a game, and you should be dead, but you aren't dead.
(Adjective) A bullet from a sniper that shouldn't have hit an enemy, but did.
I.e. "I'm pulling off an umaru right now"
I.e. "That shot was an umaru, you should be dead!"
by Chaeng <3 August 14, 2018
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(noun) a time when you're playing a game, and you should be dead, but you aren't dead.
(Adjective) A bullet from a sniper that shouldn't have hit an enemy, but did.
I.e. "I'm pulling off an umaru right now"
I.e. "That shot was an umaru,you should be dead!"
by Chaeng <3 August 14, 2018
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