1 definition by Cena Sucks

A below average wrestler that now compete on RAW. He is the current WWE champ. His wrestling ability is very crappy, and his gimmick is even worse. He also has one of the worst finisher ever, the F-U. The move is nothing more than a fireman's carry into a body slam. It doesn't make since why it would hurt at all. Cena was the reason SD! sucked so bad for so long. Thank god Benoit is there now. Cena turns away viewers. If it wasn't for the rest of the people on RAW roster, RAW would be in very low ratings right now. Simply put, Cena sucks.
Person 1: Cena is the shit! Wordlife!
Person 2: Only marks and women ike Cena. Quit being a mark.
by Cena Sucks June 15, 2005
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