1 definition by Cemeg Caerdydd

‎1. Excessive elbow useage, usually aimed at the ribs of someone.
2. Saying inappropriate things to girls
3. Spilling people's drinks everywhere
4. Any other clumsy act usually involving chemicals
5. Unnecessary showering
1. "generic bad joke, dya get it??" *Buglering in the ribs*

2. Person 1: "your hair looked nicer yesterday"

Person 2: "That was such a Bugler of a statement, you just don't get girls at all do you??"

3. Person 1: "Mate can you pass me my drink"

Person 2: "Sure let me just grab it - oh shit"

Person 1: "ffs you just Bugler'd my drink onto the floor!"

4. Every lab has a Bugler, as soon as they walk in something will go wrong/explode/implode/spill/melt. All chemical labs should have anti-bugler warning signs.
by Cemeg Caerdydd May 10, 2011
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