1 definition by Catgirl101

Caitlin's are usually brunette with gorgeous eyes and extremely beautiful. They are always seen dancing. Almost always are laughing or smiling and are generally happy if not for themselves, for others. Can be a little strange sometimes but in an amazing way that makes you think, why can't I just let go and act like her.Rare and Radiant Maiden.Pure and beautiful, mature, and independent.A person, esp. a young one, endowed with exceptional abilities.
An impressive or outstanding example of a particular quality.
"Hey Caitlin how's it going"
"Good.On my way to Dance then Gymnastics then Acting class then last Modeling class each an hour i'm so busy."
"But you can take i know you can."
"Thanks.See you later."
by Catgirl101 April 13, 2012
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