1 definition by CarrotCaky

Robertas is a really cool dude. First you meet him he's a little bit shy and awkward but has a heart out of gold. He has a great taste in music - probably likes to listen to some deep meaning sh*t like Car Seat Headrest and plays an instrument as well. Ask him for some recommendations and you'll find yourself listening to this song on repeat.
He's a very reliable person who always likes to hang out with you if you're one of his friends - he has a weird way of telling you that he likes you a lot.
He also loves to stay up until midnight spending his time with playing videogames or thinking about life while listening to music.
The Robertas I met is a very good listener, he keeps a secret once you tell him and cares about you more than he cares about himself. Next time you meet a boy called Robertas give him a big hug and make sure you keep him for the rest of your life!

Robertas you're a great person don't put yourseld down!
"Omg you know Robertas? I heard he has a VERY GOOD taste in music"

"Yes he is VERY COOL!"
by CarrotCaky November 23, 2021
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