2 definitions by Carneline_Lover_From_Nepal

Carneline, a gootrax from a famous roblox game known as " Kaiju Paradise ". The carneline has a reddish purpulish colour and it's eyes and crystals found in it's body glows brightly while a power outage happens. It's glow is fade a bit and it will become purpleish and it's crystal which used to be redish will be more hot pink like. With it might being replaced with a dinosaur hybrid, ill keep hoping that carneline will stay at it's same old design for now. Now, how do you get carneline in your beastiry or get the gootrax? for it ( the carneline ) to be in your beastiry, you will have the infect 5-15 people of the opposite team. To be a carneline, you'll have to go to a crystal during a power outage and go until it's takes all your health, it will then infect you into a carneline. what does a carneline drop? it rarely dropsa carneline basher ( just like the kaiju basher, but it deals more on carneline and can only be unlocked during a power outage, you can't buy it. Just like the other 2 crystal gootraxes, it drops a strange crystal, if a slimepup eats it. it will become rainbow after a short explosion. you will then get the um.. i forgot the name but you'll get a badge and a new bat skin!! how cool is that bro?!
Stranger : Oh Carneline? I love Carneline bro!
Me : ...

by Carneline_Lover_From_Nepal February 6, 2023
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Nepal. A place that is seen as a paradise, we say to tourists..but it's the exact oppsite. pollution everywhere, unkind people taking advantages of tourists. maybe you all should just.. visit france again
" Wow i love visiting nepal "
" shut up Jocelyn "
" fuck you mark! your a godam pussy "
by Carneline_Lover_From_Nepal February 6, 2023
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