9 definitions by Card houses

The fear of the letter c being repeated in a word too many times. Seeing this can make a person go so mad that they could severely harm themselves.
You have extremely hyperactive olicicalicalphobia. You are olicicalicalphobic
by Card houses December 20, 2021
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The study of people named Alex. Alexographists try to find out when the name Alex was invented and what people with the name looked like.
Do you specialize in alexography?
by Card houses December 20, 2021
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A word used to describe a lover meaning to Express admiration to them and explain how much you adore them with one not very pretty word
by Card houses December 20, 2021
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To have the fear of France. To be scared of what lies on the dreaded country. But be careful as you might fall of the Eiffel Tower
Mum: let's go to France

Son(Bartholomew) ahhhh I'm scared

Mum: dont be so castraphobical
by Card houses December 20, 2021
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An adjective that describes that a persons bunda(bum) is larger that most
by Card houses December 20, 2021
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the adjective which describes someone who is able to do virtually everything but is not very god at doing those things. there are very few things that they are good at.
you are so destatical
by Card houses December 21, 2021
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