10 definitions by Captain jack mehoff

A genetic mutation occurring with a cat and a Pop Tart resulting in the ability to have an addicting annoying song, something to troll about, the icanhazcheeseburger franchise, and making rainbows come out of your butt while flying through the air. The rainbow poop can be turned into monochromatic poop if the Nyan Cat's diet isn't maintained. His diet is small children and bananas.
Son: "Mommy, why are we putting little Jeffery outside?"

Mom: "We are feeding Nyan Cat, dear. We don't want his rainbow poop to turn monochromatic."
by Captain jack mehoff June 13, 2012
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The one day, usually every month or so, where you finally crack, and update Adobe, Itunes, Steam, and a bunch of other crap all day. Basically renders your computer useless if you are using anything but solitaire.
God dammit! iTunes wants me too update! And Steam too! I guess it is update day again.
by Captain jack mehoff April 13, 2013
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Common in apartments where individuals have their own Wi-Fi networks. Wi-Fights are usually started by one person using someone else's unsecured Wi-Fi network. The opposing parties then engage in verbal debate by changing their Wi-Fi network name's to words of dialogue for the other one sees when they view Wi-Fi connections around them. Originally coined by CollegeHumor
Excerpt from a Wi-Fight:

im using edward to torrent porn
Winternet is Coming
im using edward to torrent porn
hah suck on my secure connection
Guys please stop fighting
Whatever you iTunes library sucked
you got a problem with the DMB?
Seriously come on stop
Yeah it stands for Dis Music Blows
Just take a deep breath man
by Captain jack mehoff June 10, 2014
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