3 definitions by Captain Ahab the 14th

A person who works exceptionally hard to prove they are better than everyone else. Steals and plagiarizes religiously from everyone around them. If they are on-line, they will carefully craft their profile to prove they are superior, with many timely shots of their expensive and cliched vacation spots.

A consummate fake who does not believe a word who comes out of his mouth.

Hates anyone with a talent they don't posses. Secretly despises everyone and wants to become ruler overlord of the world; should be avoided at all costs.
I have to get away from that jerkaholic; he's stealing my soul!
by Captain Ahab the 14th October 22, 2014
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An arcane expression meaning you will pay for something in full. It harkens back to ye olden days when people carried billfolds instead of a VISA card, and they flipped a greenback out of the billfold to pay for something.
Don't worry about dinner, I'll flip the bill.
by Captain Ahab the 14th November 18, 2014
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A tiger wife is like a tiger mom, but, the energy here is directed at the husband. A tiger wife wants her husband to achieve great things, and will use her will to achieve this aim. Usually, the tiger wife is Chinese and the husband is American.
With that tiger wife, he no doubt will either be a CEO or a serial killer. At any rate, he's going to do something extraordinary.
by Captain Ahab the 14th November 13, 2014
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