2 definitions by Captain Odyssey

Synonym for Dog Feces - slang. Commonly used In Yorkshire, Britain. Often large and runny with a nose tingling aroma that makes you want to vomit.
Karl: "Oi! Look aht lads! bleedin fields filled wit dogger"
Jimmy: "Fookin ell as stud in som!"
Karl: "Serves tha right ye greedy shite, eatin all them bloody skittles!"
by Captain Odyssey March 11, 2020
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Somebody who Likes StarWars and really hates it when you whisper "wookiecookie" to them. Often used to annoy / greet sed person.
the wookiecookie: "Oh hi Mark"
Mark: "woooookiiieeeeeecoooookieeeeee"
the wookiecookie: "stfu"
Example 2
the wookiecookie: "Hey man, what's the answer to question 4?"
Mark: "wooookieeeecooookieeeeeeeee"
the wookiecookie: "I diagnose you with comedy"
by Captain Odyssey March 3, 2020
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