2 definitions by Canispeaktothemanager

A mother in charge of 3 or more children, drives a mini van, takes her kids to soccer practice, has THAT hair cut, you know? The really short one. Lives in the suburbs and goes to biggby every Wednesday while her kids are at soccer practice to read with her book group and if there is a minor imperfection in her order she WILL ask to speak to the manager.
"Dude your mom is such a suburban bubble mom"
"I know right"
"She even has the hair cut, does she like to speak with the manager?"
by Canispeaktothemanager February 21, 2019
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Losing my shit; can be used in a laughing matter or when you lose something
I'm always LMS

Haha that was funny I'm LMS
by Canispeaktothemanager June 18, 2019
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