1 definition by Campwestmontenthusiast101

The greatest place on earth filled with the greatest people. The camp is based around hooking up with the opposite gender and is accomplished by sneaking out every night. As this is the point of our camp, many call it camp sexmont. We spend the days waking up early, "playing" sports, going to chocolate making, and disobeying our head counselors. Afternoons are spent at free play roaming around camp and sitting at the picnic tables with your boo. Evenings are spent in the gym, canteen, and gazebos. Nights are spent in a bunk that isn't yours (basically having an orgy) and the porch talking to the bestest of friends. This camp is an experience in itself and everyone should attend (actually don't because we will bully you out)
"Oh you go to camp westmont? I hear all they do is hookup!" - sam

"Yeah last night I went to the lodge." - ryan
by Campwestmontenthusiast101 February 1, 2023
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