3 definitions by Campaign for real English

Oriented: the American poor-relative of the English 'orientated'; to rotate an object through any plane to align in any given angle; to have bias of political, religious or sexual tendencies; any leanings or sympathies to any such beliefs. Derived from such activity as 'orienteering', using map and compass, from a given point to any other, using 'way-finding' to arrive at that given point
'He was oriented (US) orientated (Eng) towards the party for civil liberties', or 'The airplane (US) aeroplane (Eng) was oriented (US) orientated (Eng) toward south (US) towards the south (Eng)'
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As with previous entry:

oriented - (Wiktionary en.wiktionary.org/wiki/oriented)‎
'Adjective: oriented (comparative more oriented, superlative most oriented). having a specific orientation'
Oriented (US): having a specific orientation (Eng)
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Drug: an incorrect past-tense adjective of drag, as in dragged.
Another example of made-up words used by our colonial cousins across the pond
The Grizzly Bear 'drug' the Black Bear from down the tree trunk - really?!!
in English: The Black Bear was 'dragged' from the tree trunk by the Grizzly Bear.
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