2 definitions by Callitandahalf123

When somebody is fucked up beyond recognition. Either from the consumption of alcohol, weed or both. Even though their donked they refuse to stop sending it and will go until they pass out.
Friend 1: fuck bud, you look donked to you need a break?
Friend 2: Real senders don’t stop cuz their donked. (Says friend 2 as he Vomits in a bush)
by Callitandahalf123 October 9, 2020
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1. When you see someone attractive and you want to tell your friends but you don’t want to make it obvious.

2. When you see someone hot and claim them as your own (calling dibs)
Hey dude, call it!”
Nah man she’s mine!”
by Callitandahalf123 March 20, 2019
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