1 definition by CalamityCantBeBeat

A quiet girl at first, she's the epitome of a nerd, glasses and all. Loyalty is extremely important to her, since she's had her heart broken before. Her friends are basically her sisters, all if them protective of each other. This girl will knock out a guy if he cheats on one of her besties, I mean, she's a Taurus, what do you expect? She's good at anything she sets her mind to, very headstrong but also stubborn. She LOVES music, reading, and the ULTIMATE FANGIRL. Good luck trying NOT to get hugged by her, she calls herself clingy but everybody thinks that she's just a cuddle bunny :). Has low self esteem but amazing friends always cheer her up. She has a hard home life but dismisses it with a laugh. Has a record for being the first person to laugh at something. Can be guarded at times. Loves Netflix and movies, but had no sense of fashion. Worst fear: being alone. Is someone who you am count on. Always there for you. Will get anyone to laugh. Can come up with a random topic in a snap. Sarcastic and sly at times. Believes to be undefeated at flappy bird; high score is 4. Loves to sleep and hates haters. Did I mention that she was the ultimate fangirl? Well she is. No artistic abilities whatsoever but amazing at grammar and English. That's about it...
RandomDude 1: that girl Cal is pretty awesome.

RandomDude 2: there's no chance man, she's the ultimate Calamity.

RandomDude 1: unless you're Robbie Kay...
by CalamityCantBeBeat September 22, 2015
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