5 definitions by Cage Britney

The Kool-Aid Pipeline just informed me that saying "Merry Christmas" was basically illegal until Trump made it OK.
by Cage Britney December 17, 2018
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The hard shell that surrounds the head and brain of all Trump supporters.
The decline of education in America and the coinciding rise in more Americans afflicted with the Dunning-Krueger syndrome is strong evidence that many people live in a Fact-proof Ignorance Bubble, free of rational thought, logic and common sense.

Trying to discuss world events with Trump Supporters is useless since they live in a Fact-proof Ignorance Bubble.
by Cage Britney December 24, 2018
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People who wear red MAGA hats.
The monster truck show is expected to have a lot of red hat retards in attendance.
by Cage Britney December 20, 2018
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My butthole. The smell of a fart or other bad smell.
Joe: "What's that smell?"

Dave: "That's mubutol"
by Cage Britney December 27, 2018
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