2 definitions by CTjeff

The weekend everyone at UConn looks forward to. Some weekend in April, everyone at UConn and anyone who knows anybody at UConn comes together to drink a lot, cause a lot of trouble, and just have fun.

Thursday night- carraige apts
Friday night- celeron apts
Saturday night- x-lot

X-lot is a huge parking lot where thousands of kids pack into and just have a giant party.
1.UConn Spring Weekend this year only had 150 duis, 50 assaults, 100 drug possesions, 454564545 parking tickets, and 2 flipped cars. I'd say it was a pretty tame spring weekend!

2. Kid 1: Dude I got a cop to play beer pong with me on spring weekend!
Kid 2: We are in CT, it's called beer pong asshole!

by CTjeff February 6, 2007
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UConn's biggest party weekend that takes place every Spring semester.

Thursday night: Carraige apartments. Long road of apartments with big lawns, all lawns are packed with drunk kids.

Friday night: Celeron apartments. Again, just drunk kids standing around in the roads and parking lots.

Saturday night: The grand finale, X-lot. X-lot is a giant parking lot and it will be filled tightly with thousands of kids, just standing around drinking. Cops will leave you alone until around midnight, where they all hold hands and walk in a line to make you leave.
kid on cell phone: HEY!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?! I'M AT UCONN, IT'S SPRING WEEKEND.
by CTjeff April 3, 2008
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