2 definitions by C-dub a dub dub

Kailey, Oh Kailey, well she is very nice but boys have to watch their back because she has two sides to her. In front of boys she's way different than in front or girls. You can usually count on her to keep a secret that you told her. She usually has blonde hair and a great attitude. And laughs at your jokes. Overall she is really nice. But kinda a hoe.
1: Wow what a surprise Kailey kissed another guy

2: What! Kailey told you that. I told her not to!

3: Kailey is so nice and pretty
by C-dub a dub dub December 29, 2016
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Carson... well carson is lots of things. Carson is usually very nice and genuine to lots of people if he likes you. He is also usually smart and great at sports. He'll kick ur ass tho. He's small but mighty. Your usually lucky when u find a Carson they are kinda rare.
1:Wow! Look it's a Carson. I can't believe my eyes.

2:OMG ______ your so lucky to have Carson but watch your back.
by C-dub a dub dub December 29, 2016
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