17 definitions by C-can

1. Second greatest game ever made. I say "second greatest" because everyone with half of a brain knows how good Halo 2 will be.

2. Story-driven and violent FPS for the Xbox (and most recently the PC, and pretty soon the Mac) in which you take on the role of Master Chief, a genetically enhanced super soldier fighting alongside the UNSC marines in an attempt to save humanity from the wrath of the Covenant, a strong religious alliance of at least six alien races hell bent on destroying the human race, most likely because they fear our moral corruption and lack of discipline, among other things.
Halo kicked ass, but Halo 2 will probably be even better.

Halo's story is complex and interesting, at least until its plotlines start showing up in other games.
by C-can January 29, 2004
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Excellent game series that was developed by Sega's Team Andromeda until they broke up in 1998. Latest game was released by Sega's Smilebit. Has gone relatively unnoticed in the gaming world due to lack of advertising and multiplayer involvement, but still very excellent as far as gaming standards go.
The Panzer Dragoon series has been the host of some of the best shooters of all time. Sony advocates like to say it sucks despite the fact that most of them probably haven't even played it.
by C-can October 27, 2003
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A group of people in a country that usually aren't representative of the majority, but are so loud and obnoxious when they voice their opinions that it becomes quite easy for someone to mistake them for the majority. They appear to be the majority because they are usually extremely angry when conversing about socio-political issues, and usually protest in very large groups as well. Despite the fact that they're extremely outspoken and annoying, they rarely influence any kind of significant change, much less a positive one.
Far left liberals, punk teenagers, socialists, anarchists, etc, are all part of the Majority Apparent.
by C-can January 24, 2004
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