3 definitions by Bye Elle

To begin a task or job, often with enthusiasm or as soon as the ability arises.

Most often used in the American south, though it’s a slightly uncommon phrase.
“Yeah, my parents have been telling me since I was little to get a job so I can start saving as soon as possible. Since I’m sixteen I really gotta hop on that horse.”
by Bye Elle October 17, 2021
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A Gerbil is the opposite of a cougar, a Gerbil is a younger person who specifically dates older men/women.
“Did you hear about how Jenny started dating that sugar daddy?”
“Yeah, I never really took her as a Gerbil”
by Bye Elle August 14, 2018
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A child-like name for a stuffed animal, (see Stuffie) and is also used for pacifiers. It can also be used to call someone a coward, oftentimes comparing them to a child
“Do you have your woobie? I don’t want you calling me to come bring it if you can’t sleep”

“Bryan that spider isn’t even that big, you absolute woobie!”
by Bye Elle October 17, 2021
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