3 definitions by By Felicia I’m Alicia

A beautiful mix neighborhood where Karens and Shaniquas live happily together.
Harlem used to be the ghetto, now it’s like the new Chelsea. You done with that cupcake?
by By Felicia I’m Alicia January 12, 2021
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Keep these white people out of Harlem, this is just for blacks! Segregation ended against us but we are bringing it back baby.
by By Felicia I’m Alicia January 12, 2021
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Shabbification is the opposite of gentrification, where a neighborhood goes through deterioration and despair because the current residents support the neighborhood segregation.
The shabbification of Harlem caused a lot of violence and drug abuse. Thank god those gentrifiers cleaned it up. Now I can finally walk my kids to school without them being shot or robbed.
by By Felicia I’m Alicia January 12, 2021
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