3 definitions by Buttfuck Dynasty

American fast food chain that prides themselves on their flame-grilled hamburgers. Often criticized for the quality of their food, they're still usually considered a notch above establishments like McDonald's, but not as good as Carl's Jr./Hardee's or Steak n' Shake.
Gonna go to Burger King and get me a Whopperito!
by Buttfuck Dynasty November 6, 2016
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Hypocrisy on four wheels, and the car that ended the golden age of Japanese cars. Hippies, hipsters, and less-intelligent liberals buy them under the impression they're saving the environment.
In reality, they have enough nickel and cadmium under their back seat to poison half of Canada.
A Prius is most often seen doing 40 in the carpool lane with an obese neckbeard at the wheel, a 24-pack of PBR in the truck, and an anti-Bush sticker on the trunk lid.
by Buttfuck Dynasty July 8, 2015
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A unit of measurement used to measure the capacity of a car's trunk. Based on how many average-sized dead hookers you could stuff into said trunk while going to a body dump. For example, newer cars have smaller trunks, therefore they could fit fewer hookers. A Honda Accord only has a three-hooker trunk, whereas a 1976 Lincoln Continental has a five-hooker trunk.
Shit man, that Caddy's got a six-hooker trunk!
by Buttfuck Dynasty December 28, 2016
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