2 definitions by Butternuts

1. n. Another euphemism for penis.

2. The best movie title since 'Snakes on a Plane', staring Vinny Jones. Holds the record for most people brutally murdered in front of a masturbating audience.
"Hey baby, you wanna take a ride on the midnight meat train?"

Jon: "I'm really confused about my sexuality."
Jack: "What gives?"
Jon: "I beat it to 'Midnight Meat Train' last week, and now I can't orgasm without seeing blood."
Jack: "You're a sick man."
by Butternuts March 11, 2008
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Means penis in Cree language. People use it for literal meaning or mostly slang for “sh*t!”
Did you remember to bring the toilet paper for our picnic outing ?
Midiff, I forgot it !!!
by Butternuts July 27, 2019
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