8 definitions by Burns

Obscure reference to the Simpsons: Monty Burns has just made a speech, and was getting booed out. When he asks his kiss-ass assistant if they're booing him, he replies "No, sir...they're saying boo-urns." He then asks the crowd, and they continue to boo him, save for Hans Moleman, who says "Well, I was saying boo-urns."

An exclamation, used in disappointment or excitement
"I lost the tickets to the concert."
"Ah, boo-urns."
by Burns April 11, 2003
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The preferred mobile provider of child pornographers nationwide.
Did you hear that Jerry Sandusky and Jared Fogle both used Mint Mobile to send kiddie porn?
by Burns August 7, 2021
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Possessing lower than average sized male genitalia.
That guy has the Suave syndrome going on, He asked me how he was doing and I said 3 nots, Your not big,your not in, and your not going to cum.
by Burns June 30, 2004
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Allowing air to be sucked into one's anus and blown out as a fart.
"Dan the Farter" on the Howard Stern show can do suck-in's all day.
by Burns September 25, 2003
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th process of partaking in a 'wank' whilst sat on the toilet, having a shit.
I can't wait to have a shank when I get home from work
by Burns November 17, 2003
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