2 definitions by BurningZ

I person who is infatuated with Swedish culture, they try speaking north Germanic but end up speaking Russian, they would also use google translate pretend they are Swedish, similar to their Japanese counterparts, they buy body pillows of the Swedish flag and Stefan Löfven, the Prime Minister of Sweden. They also watch all of their media in Swedish with subtitles.
"Hello mate!"
"Be quiet, im watching Boku no pico in swedish!"
"Fuck off you Sweaboo"
by BurningZ April 28, 2017
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The activity of shoving expensive electronic devices (Preferably mobile devices) up another individuals (preferably a friends) anus hole, The winner of the game is the one who gets the device most dirtiest. The losers have to clean the device with their tongues. This game is usually played in pairs of two.
John: "So how was the sleep over last night?"
Glen: "We stayed up all night Volteripalling and I lost all the rounds, so you could say it was quite... shitty"
John: "Kys"
by BurningZ July 29, 2016
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