2 definitions by Burley

The white knight incarnate; a person whose irrepressible compulsion to cockblock is the only salvation of womankind. If he isn't there to prevent it, women are powerless to defend themselves against the predatory motivations of all other members of his gender. Called so because of his astounding ability to block any cock currently known to man.
Bro: Dude, Alex is such a cockblock.
Brah: Yeah, he's a regular Stonewall Johnson.
Bro: Weird, I coulda sworn he got RB's all up in that shit.
Brah: Word.
by Burley May 2, 2009
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adj. To be so utterly immense that one traps just enough intelligence within one's massive bulk that he/she obstinately refuses to believe that he can ever be wrong. The individual in question will often sarcastically remark about the "astounding" nature of others' intellects so as to inflate his own ego. His mouth never stops moving, whether he is talking to attract attention or eating to increase his mass.

See load.
Bradley's intelligence was astounding, as was his weight.
by Burley February 27, 2007
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