1 definition by Buoyant_Motherfucker

Buoyancy motherfuckers is used to indicate when someone knows about a subject and the rest of the people discussing it don't. It is usually used when the people with limited knowledge attempt to think logically and question the topic, which would sound logical to any average person but really stupid to someone who actually knows about the topic.

TLDR; a person who knows shit says buyoancy motherfuckers to make others understand they don't
Guy-1: You know how there's no friction in space? Why don't we utilize that? Why are planets so hard to reach if we can just push our rocket and wait for it to go there?
Guy-2: Bro that's not how that wor-
Guy-3: Yeah it makes no sense how we build huge rockets carrying so much fuel.
Guy-2: Buoyancy motherfuckers! Go watch a Kerbal Space Program video or something, that's not how that works.
by Buoyant_Motherfucker April 17, 2022
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