1 definition by Bunnygirlsenpai1999

A Filipino boy from the suburbs that thinks he can play Lemonade on the ukulele and sing at the same time. Wears Nike shoes with his Adidas pants, and buys a Supreme shirt so that he can put the sticker on the back of his car or laptop. Owns clear hipster glasses, and there's an 85.3% chance he's a hip hop dancer. Dating Jessica Nguyen from KDPhi and is best friends with Daniel Kim and Brian Chen #Lambda. Orders taro milk tea and owns a striped Guess shirt. Majoring in either accounting, exercise science, or if he basic enough nursing. The Filipino version of Kevin Nguyen ready to break ABG hearts.
Person 1: "Hey Justin what are you gonna play for Philippine Cultural Ni-"
by Bunnygirlsenpai1999 October 21, 2019
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