1 definition by BuckedUp935

A slut who is a cowgirl wannabe. She wears little to no clothing in hopes of getting under a cowboy's buckle. She takes good cowboys from actual deserving cowgirls. She is a city slicker in faux boots, and a push-up bra to get the attention of any cowboy at a rodeo. They are usually mean and look down on the 'country' life, but will still sleep with anything that moves. They are what every cowgirl fears when their S.O. goes off on the rodeo circuit. Any real hard-working cowgirl hates a Buckle Bunny.
"There goes my man. I hope he stays away from any Buckle Bunnies."
"He slept with a Buckle Bunny last night, and she broke up our relationship."
"That Buckle Bunny just shoved her way into his trailer."
by BuckedUp935 December 23, 2020
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