4 definitions by BubInc

1. Someone with an exaggerated sense of self-worth who is very tiring to be around.
2. A person who acts as though they know everything and dismisses the opinions, comments, or suggestions of others.
3. An A-hole.

"Don’t be such a Thad, you’re giving me douche-chills."
"Steve, you're being such a Thad right now."
by BubInc August 18, 2016
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1. Someone with an exaggerated sense of self-worth who is very tiring to be around.
2. A person who acts as though they know everything and dismisses the opinions, comments, or suggestions of others.
3. An A-hole.

"Don’t be such a Thad, you’re giving me douche-chills."
"Steve, you're being such a Thad right now."
by BubInc August 18, 2016
Get the Thad mug.
1. Someone with an exaggerated sense of self-worth who is very tiring to be around.
2. A person who acts as though they know everything and dismisses the opinions, comments, or suggestions of others.
3. An A-hole.

"Don’t be such a Thad, you’re giving me douche-chills."
"Steve, you're being such a Thad right now."
by BubInc August 18, 2016
Get the Thad mug.
1. Someone with an exaggerated sense of self-worth who is very tiring to be around.
2. A person who acts as though they know everything and dismisses the opinions, comments, or suggestions of others.
3. An A-hole.

"Don’t be such a Thad, you’re giving me douche-chills."
"Steve, you're being such a Thad right now."
by BubInc August 18, 2016
Get the Thad mug.