5 definitions by BrynD

In response to goading and cheekiness from an Alderley homie, or as a statement representing a lack of interest in moving or doing something suggested by another homie, one might say "I'll have less"
"Fancy coming down the pub?" "I'll have less"
In response to cheekiness, "I really will have less"
by BrynD September 26, 2006
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Sopping wet fanny is an insult to be bestowed upon an Alderley Edge homie, acting in a particularly girly or stupidic way
"Shoop, you sopping wet fanny"
Adamantly, in reply to a stupid question, or an act of total stupidity, basically representing a 'no' or 'shoop': "I'll smoke your sopping wet fanny"
by BrynD September 26, 2006
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Swag refers to an Alderley homie's belongings he may need in the near future, particularly tasty munchies, or drugs. For particularly great swag, further emphasis on the quality of drugs/ munchies being deemed necessary, "swaag", "swaaag", "swaaaag" and so on can be used, often in a nasal, throaty, higher pitched voice similar to how Kryten says "smeeeg" in Red Dwarf, but higher pitched.
"Just let me go inside and get my swag before we leave"
"I need to go to the shops and get some swag"
After pulling some fine drugs out of pocket, "Swaag!"
by BrynD September 26, 2006
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When telling someone that they have to put up with whatever you are doing, or are going to do, basically telling them to 'shoop', an Alderley homie could say "Smoke it!"
"Don't put your drink down there" "Smoke it!"
by BrynD September 26, 2006
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In an effort to motivate and encourage lazy Alderley Edge homies into doing something, going out, down the pub for instance, a short sharp "more" can be a jee-up to instil action.
"C'mon lets go into Wilmslow. More!"
by BrynD September 26, 2006
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