6 definitions by Brown Nosed Mud Dove

A Jawalter is a turd. Usually resembles a cartoon. One of those people who is just such a cac that you can't take them seriously. A jawalter is closely related to a purple nosed gerb. Many of us have friends that are j-wals
by Brown Nosed Mud Dove October 28, 2009
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A cac is a turd who is whack. Some know cacs as those turds who murf bowls. Cac can be a noun or an adjective. Being known as cac or a cac is a great disgrace.
Noun: You're a cac
Adjective: You're cac
by Brown Nosed Mud Dove October 28, 2009
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Gerb defines all types of turds. Humans can be black, white, asian, whatever. Gerbs can be Jawalters, Goobacks, Cacs, Brown Nosed Mud Doves, Goobs, and many more. Gerbs flock in gaggles of 3-4 gerbs at a time. Gerbs are usually pail and make you laugh before they talk. Basically like people with Mustaches. If a gerb has a mustache he his a J-Wal or Superturd.
That gerb just sharted and is still sitting in class. WTF
by Brown Nosed Mud Dove October 28, 2009
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A purple nosed gerb who is the sheep or follower of a jawalter. These turds flock around J-Wals.
Shawn: Hey there's kevin. What a gooback.

Robert: Who is that Scrotum Sidekick following him?
Shawn: Some J-Wal
by Brown Nosed Mud Dove October 28, 2009
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A turd who is a snake in the grass. Either a snitch or kiss ass turd. Brown Nosed Mud Doves are a species of Gerbs.
You are a Brown Nosed Mud Dove
by Brown Nosed Mud Dove October 28, 2009
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