2 definitions by Brothersbro 18

The day that amazing, beautiful, nice, funny, thicc girls are born they are usually great kissers (trust me)

They have a beautiful voice and are the kindest people you would ever meet

If you ever meet or date someone born on march 18th never let them go (I wont) they're the best and they make you smile all the time
Guy 1:Woah dude shes fit
Guy 2: yeah obviously shes born on march 18th
by Brothersbro 18 October 15, 2019
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Dylan is a full on melt nobody likes him hes not funny and tbh lots of ppl wanna kill him, hes a dead man, I'm a dylan and I am now dead
Gary,'oi plebby!'
Mike,'dont be a Dylan douchebag'
by Brothersbro 18 October 7, 2019
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