4 definitions by Brohand Manpalm Dudefinger

I had planned to begin researching the feasibility of a hamster-powered mechanical toothbrush, but I lacked the ambitiative for such a solemn and significant undertaking.
by Brohand Manpalm Dudefinger October 23, 2006
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I had planned to begin researching the feasibility of a hamster-powered mechanical toothbrush, but I lacked the ambitiative for such a solemn and significant undertaking.
by Brohand Manpalm Dudefinger November 6, 2006
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I had planned to begin researching the feasibility of a hamster-powered mechanical toothbrush, but I lacked the ambitiative for such a solemn and significant undertaking.
by Brohand Manpalm Dudefinger October 22, 2006
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I had planned to begin researching the feasibility of a hamster-powered mechanical toothbrush, but I lacked the ambitiative for such a solemn and significant undertaking.
by Brohand Manpalm Dudefinger November 5, 2006
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