10 definitions by Brizzy Izzy

being hella fucking good at any sport. having sick skills at football, basketball or any other sports that needs raw strength. commonly said after a bad ass move or play is done
(on a tied basketball game time is running out. out of nowhere, a defending player steals the ball and he runs up the court with like 5 seconds to go. exactly before time runs out, he jumps and makes a sick dunk to finish off the game.)

the crowd of the winning team shouts and celebrates: Ay!!!!

Fan 1: God Lee! that dunk was raw!

Fan 2: Hell yeah, that shit was crazy
by Brizzy Izzy July 26, 2011
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a joint, a blunt, its so thin and white that when lit it looks like a birthday candle
Katt Williams: "I have 12 candles at my house. I've been waiting to burn them mudafuckas"
by Brizzy Izzy July 26, 2011
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the scenes on a movie that you will remember for ever. the part in a movie were the orchestra starts playing cheessy suspense or victory music to change the mood of the movie
darth vader tells anakin "I am your father"

this is an epic moment, anakin looeses his arm, then the orchestra plays the star wars theme song to let you know danger is coming
by Brizzy Izzy July 26, 2011
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