1 definition by Brightonstar

A 'Hove Mum' is a phenomenon which has come about in the city of Brighton & Hove.

Hove has a reputation of being strikingly middle-class and desirable, the area has a lot of families with young children. 'Hove mums' often work part-time or not at all as they have rich husbands (often city working commuters) who provide an already abundant family income.

A typical Hove mum's role includes looking after the children, taking them to extra-curricular activities, lunching with other mums on Church Road or in The Laines in Brighton and taking their kids to Hove Park or St Ann's Well Gardens.

They will often drive Land Rovers and do their shopping in places such as The White Company, Waitrose and Hobbs.

Other tasks involve regular trips to the salon and spa, picking up the family's laundry from the laundrette and preparing picnics to take to Hove beach.
Husband: how was your day?
Hove mum: Oh really busy actually! I finished work at 1, went for lunch with the girls at Otello's on Church Road, picked up Maddison and Finley from school, took them to Hove Park and picked up the laundry on the way back.
by Brightonstar January 6, 2011
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