2 definitions by Breautiful

The highest self of Kelly Anne. (name)

Female possessing unsurpassed bravery. Heroism and hope for humanity that has the power to pull the breath from my lungs.

One who bears witness to the depths of darkness. She is the spirit that dwells within Kelly Anne who insists on Hope and Belief, persistent light.

Anika: A woman spirit who drives the darkness out of me. One who reminds me to dance.
Kelly Anne sun kissed dancer Love light Anika
by Breautiful August 1, 2013
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A cat who uses a series of firm or aggressive "bonks" to show affection or to show off. Feminized/plural version of Bonkers.
I think I see a Binks! Or that cat is straight up Binks!
by Breautiful July 3, 2013
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