4 definitions by Bre-1

It is the physical embodiment of "no u". Comes in four colors, red, blue, green and yellow. There have been different styles with different itterations of the game. It is popular to use after someone calls you a fag or retarded, hold it up and say "No, you".
Jay: Kill yourself
Troy: *Holds UNO reverse card* No, you
Jay: Cries
by Bre-1 May 3, 2019
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Often seen in large chain stores like Target and Walmart, these are used to help the physically handicapped buy goods they need. Then, one day, fat Nora decided she would ride it to avoid any unneeded walking through the day. Now a real handicapped person is unable to buy their groceries, and the poor scooter is slowly being crushed to death.
Disability Scooter, A.K.A a mobility assistance device.
by Bre-1 May 3, 2019
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An anti vaxxer. These people are normally below the baseline intelligence, and swear by a discredited doctor's faulty research.
Yo, Kaylee is totally Pro-Plague
Yeah, let's just stay away, she has a few weeks left.
by Bre-1 May 3, 2019
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A generally chill dude. He is likely a stoner but deeply loves all of his friends. A Breck is outgoing to a fault, and makes friends easily. Breck is a stone faced, monotone type guy, but you can see emotions peek through. If a Breck is sad or crying, something may be very wrong. Keep him with you because if not you'll have lost a kind soul.
Jack: Yo, you're totally a Breck
Lane: A brick?
Jack: Nah man, like the chillest dude of them all
Lane: Hell yeah
by Bre-1 May 1, 2019
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