4 definitions by Brackish Menzies

The ability for you and a close friend/loved one to communicate with sounds.
Due to a high level of lingruntalism, Martha and the orangutan lived a long and happy life.
by Brackish Menzies March 7, 2018
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a cross between exponentially and incrementally, the degree to which random events can compound in ever increasing amounts

"when shit piles up all over the place"
"The odour from the cat litter box increases excrementally as The Andersons failed to return from their weekend In Hoboken."
by Brackish Menzies August 6, 2017
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The experience among the inexperienced of first making visual contact with a clitoris.
A sudden attack of neoclitobservatude caused Murray to feel a great sense of anticipation as he realized that he was about to become very.......very popular.
by Brackish Menzies March 7, 2018
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1)You place your cocktail on a coaster and, due to barometrical conditions measured by this activity, the glass sticks to the coaster....but invariably falls off as the above mentioned beverage is halfway to your mouth.
It was a hot and sultry night as Chad, forever the suave and debonaire bon homme, raised his glass to toast his admirers but the beverometer ruined his moment by dropping the coaster squarely onto his nutsack.
by Brackish Menzies March 7, 2018
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