1 definition by Bozo Texino

We are trained from a young age to make the word "fnord" invisible. It is appears almost everywhere and we know subconsciously that it is there. This creates tension, but we can't quite figure out where it's coming from when we read or hear the news, for instance. HOWEVER... it does NOT appear anywhere in advertisements. This makes products seem soothing and good and desirable because the fnords are not upsetting us any more. Further... when you become aware enough through the use of free thinking, questioning the "official" stories, perhaps smoking a little weed.... then you become able to actually SEE the fnords everywhere and you UNDERSTAND that the news merely serves to agitate you and take your mind off of what is really important. No longer are you easily SOLD crap you don't need or CRAP that is bad for you... When you see the fnords and your understanding increases, you see the conspiracy that keeps the general population ignorant and in slavery. It's a hard slog trying to get others to see the fnords. "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."
I can see the Fnords!
by Bozo Texino February 22, 2016
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