2 definitions by BovineButthole

A kind of person who is most often a closet pessimist, and much like a pessimist can not see the virtue or value in any bad experiences. However, unlike a pessimist, who copes with that view by adopting the deluded, jaded notion that everything that can go wrong will go wrong so they aren't disappointed, the optimist follows the even more deluded notion that they will simply never have bad experiences.
Optimist: There's no way we're going to lose!
Pessimist: There's no way we will win...let's just quit while we're ahead...
Realist: I would honestly prefer to win, but it's also no biggie if we lose. Live and learn, right?
Optimist and Pessimist: ...Get out.
by BovineButthole October 16, 2017
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A person that's abandoned his rose-colored glasses in favor of shit-colored ones. Are often just as delusional as idealists, but are usually considered enlightened and smart due to the new age nihilistic mentality of "bitterness = smartness", which makes it then fall into the viscious cycle of the "popular = right" mentality.

Not to be confused with a realist, who tries their hardest to look for the truth in any given situation regardless of bias, and whose views only resemble a cynic's in the eyes of an idealist.
Idealist: I think all people are good at heart and should always be given a second, third, fourth, and 167th chance, so I'm just going to leave my wallet out in the open to be stolen by everyone!
Cynic: LOL, everyone sucks, don't you know that? Regardless of ideals, you're only ever fighting for yourself, and there's no escape from that mentality, meaning everyone is always cheating everyone!
Functional Human Being: Guys...maybe people do shitty things for legitimate reasons, and they are to be neither trusted nor hated...?
Cynic: Ridiculous, the world doesn't operate off logic, it operates off of how depressed I'm feeling at any given time!
Idealist: Yeah, that would make too much sense, idiot. Emotions dictate facts, everyone knows this. Get with the times.
by BovineButthole October 16, 2017
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