4 definitions by BootyMan

A ghetto-ass web site like youngthugbitches.com featuring TGP picture and video galleries of thug-o-licious street bitches.
Have you checked out youngthugbitches.com bling bling gallery post?
by BootyMan March 21, 2005
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The Renedo Symtpon is a phrase that was coined to describe the direct correlation between the closeness in proximity that one lives in relation to their place of work, and the resulting decrease in punctuality.
"Why is Will always late to work? I travel from Guildford to London everday and am rarely, if ever, late. He lives around the corner, and yet is late every other day!"
"He is a classic case-in-point of the Renedo Sympton."
by BootyMan November 30, 2012
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The accumulation of pubes found on bars of soap
When I used my friends bathroom, to my amazement I picked up the soap to find a large Texas tumbleweed on it
by BootyMan November 10, 2014
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bullshit or unimportant conversation.
sometimes used with ratatattat.
"man, stop talking that gibbity."
"So Im talking to this girl and Bob comes up talking that Gibbity and then gibbity gibbity and a ratatattat and I slapped his ass!"
by BootyMan March 13, 2004
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