5 definitions by Bobol

A disability commonly found in monkeys symptoms including random spasms, rapid growth & the loss of a tail
My monkey is georgistic
by Bobol September 15, 2020
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The movie trilogy that a bunch of toxic fan boys cry over because it wasn't just mind numbing lightsaber battles and had actual depth
Craig- my favourite movie is the last jedi
by Bobol June 11, 2021
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A family of inbred hillbillies usually used as an insult to someones family
Caleb- shut up you coco pop monkey
Greg- ok Caleb Macoo
by Bobol June 8, 2021
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The latin name for a pine tree
Joe- look at that massive pinus!
Jessica- What?!
Joe- oh it means pine tree in latin
by Bobol June 8, 2021
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A virus rapidly spreading throughout the world via the digestion of the cereal named "Coco-Pops" it is caused by the pops that seem to occur when the coco-powder and saliva (hence the name of the cereal being Coco-Pops) when this happens a chemical reaction occurs that spreads a wet-like substance throughout the victims mouth.

Symptoms may include; rashes, a swollen mouth, rapid hair growth & non-stop tap dancing

There is no known cures for this other than to bring them to "Jones BBQ And Foot Massage" and get them a deep fried dinosaur, so if you know someone that has been affected by this virus its best to call them and get them some food
Robert "why is Greg tapdancing?"
Zach "he has Cocavirus"
Tymek "then we better take him to Jones BBQ And Foot Massage"
Zach "Yeah"
by Bobol November 19, 2020
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