4 definitions by Bobnoxious

Frequently used when two employees meet in the company parking lot to settle their grievances with fisticuffs. The victor can claim he gave the loser some "Parking lot Therapy."
Stan kept bullying Bob. On day, after work, Bob gave Stan some "Parking Lot Therapy" or PLT by massaging Stan's face with A BLURR Bob's fists. Now, Stan doesn't bully anyone. PARTICULARLY Bob.
by Bobnoxious August 23, 2020
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Also known as "Johnsons for Jacksons" -- a desperation for money to be earned on one's knees, $20 at a time. Implies a frivilous use of the money so earned.
Those boots are bitchin'! I'm randy for Andy to get me a pair.
by Bobnoxious April 10, 2008
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Rhetorical masturbation: Self-aggrandizing speech consisting of lies and deceit usually by politicians.
by Bobnoxious May 16, 2017
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Wallet Flush: Extraordinary and unexpected one-time expense, usually associated with car repairs, particularly European brands. Also, includes expenses related to, among others, veterinarian, heating/air-conditioning and plumbing. Not to be confused with the more painful Wallet Enema.
The veterinarian gave Bob a Wallet flush!
by Bobnoxious May 18, 2017
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