4 definitions by Bobby Steele

V: A puff on a bong, marijuana cigarette, or pipe containing hashish or another mind-altering substance.
Would you like to take a sswatt off of this bong ?
by Bobby Steele April 19, 2005
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Anything relating to the male genitalia with a grotesque nature.
John, those herpes sores are dickscusting.
by Bobby Steele April 19, 2005
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Over a century ago, an interscholastic athletic league was formed by Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Princeton. It was officially known as the "Four League." The Roman numeral "IV" was often used instead of the word four and the term "IV League" came into use. When spoken, the IV was spelled out and sounded like "Ivy League." Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell and Pennsylvania were the major opponents of the IV league, and in the early 1900's were members of the league.
by Bobby Steele April 21, 2005
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Used to describe the extent of drunkenness at any given state.
Dan and I drank so much last night, we were so latered.

Dude you are way to latered to drive.
by Bobby Steele March 27, 2007
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