6 definitions by Bob the Hairy Monkey

Usaully you get it when you haven't bathed in a while and it collects in your crack and it suddenly becomes stuck with no way to get it out.
There's some in your crack.......
by Bob the Hairy Monkey February 10, 2005
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When i chick thinks shes givin a BJ, chokes, then finds out that nothin is in his pants
Rob: I wonder why my girl wont talk to me.
Sean: Maybe because she was chokin on nothin last night!
by Bob the Hairy Monkey February 10, 2005
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Rotten fluid that comes from the liver, but it exits out of the penis and looks like cum
I think i gave some of my liverpaste to Amanda last night.
by Bob the Hairy Monkey February 10, 2005
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