2 definitions by BluePrxsmDhude21

One of the worst musical artists in the universe. I am sure that just listening to her music will give you eternal brain cancer. Also known as "Billie Eyelash". Her music makes 13 to 15 y/o girls go emo and suicidal. The only good song she wrote was "Bad Guy", which now that I think about it, is not even a good song. Fun fact: Nobody wishes she ever became popular and everyone knows that she deserves failure. She also makes you die of cringe.
person 1 texts friend: "yo I love billie eilish's music"
person 2 texts back: "we can't be friend's anymore"

*blocks and dies of cringe*
by BluePrxsmDhude21 April 29, 2022
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don't be a dov. a dov is the worst person ever to exist and they probably rape children, are annoying, and love basketball. also they are secretly nice.
man 1: "yo i think my best friend is actually a Dov"
man 2: "bro you better run before he rapes you"
by BluePrxsmDhude21 April 27, 2022
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