2 definitions by BleedingAnis

The equivalent of wheels except in the future. One can have Quantum Hover Devices just like they can have wheels. One can Levitate (Lev) a girl using his said Quantum Hover Devices (QHD).

Quantum Hover Devices are the Wheels of the future!
Guy1 - "Hey man you Leving that girl?"
Guy2 - "Yeah i have big QHDs!"
Guy3 - "Nah, my Quantum Hover Devices are way bigger."
Guy1 - "Let's just all agree that we all have mad QHD."
by BleedingAnis May 20, 2011
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The singular form of a smize, in which only one eye is smiling.
This rare phenomenon only happens if a ones eye is either covered or missing.

Pirates often smy because they usually wear an eye patch.
Jesse: "I'm feelin' Sebastian's smy! The poor guy lost his eye when he was only five!"

Pirate: "Arrrrrrr! Feel the wrath of my smy!"
by BleedingAnis April 23, 2011
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