3 definitions by Blastdoors.

1. adv. To be manly or the act of being manly
2. adv. To hurt someone or the act of hurting someone
3. v. To have gay sex or the act of having gay sex.
1. I'm gonna go do manstuff...
2. I'm in the mood for doing some manstuff.
3. how about you and I go to my place and we do some manstuff
by Blastdoors. October 20, 2010
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v. to furiously or angrily have sex
Female: Hey babe what are you doing tonight?
Male: Well I've been having a bad day so I think to make myself feel better, I'm going to come on over and throughthegate you.
by Blastdoors. October 20, 2010
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1. n. to be a person who gets hit by a train and, while in mid-air, get struck by lightning and finally land in a pile of horse manure.

2. v. To get hit by a train and, while in mid-air, get struck by lightning and finally land in a pile of horse manure.
1. That guy looks like a professional zomgrocketeer.
2. Man 1: I saw a video on YouTube of this guy getting zomgrocketed!
Man 2: That sounds awesome!
by Blastdoors. October 20, 2010
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