2 definitions by Bjadle

The word "Shrep" means to stumble while trying to walk confidently/with style near one or more hot girls/boys. Akward.
Boy 1: Hey bro, what happened when you walked up too that hot girl over there? Did you talk to her?
Boy 2: Nah, I shrepped so hard...
Boy 3: Ahh, right... shrepping sucks man..
by Bjadle April 28, 2015
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The word "Shrep" means to stumble while trying to walk confidently/with style near one or more hot girls/boys. Akward.
Boy 1: Hey bro, what happened when you walked up too that hot girl over there? Did you talk to her?
Boy 2: Nah, I shrepped so hard...
Boy 3: Ahh, right... shrepping sucks man..
by Bjadle April 28, 2015
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